
Star wars lambda class shuttle
Star wars lambda class shuttle

When used as deco the screens and buttons of the Compiler are animated. The fourth part, the Crafting Data Compiler, is also obtained in the Space Battles reward crate though it is a rarer drop than the Lambda blueprint 2/3. The mission can be taken at the Dathomir Space Station and is the hardest solo content available in space. The other, harder, method of acquiring the blueprint is to complete a High Tier Duty Mission in Kessel.

star wars lambda class shuttle

The easiest of the two is earned through the Corellian Corvette instanced dungeon, you can find the blueprint in the Armoires scattered throughout the level.

star wars lambda class shuttle

The third blueprint is obtained in two ways. For safety, kill more than the prescribed minimum. To obtain a crate in these you must attain Tier 3 participation in the battle, which entails killing a minimum of 15 fighters and causing damage to the enemy frigate. The second blueprint is also obtained in a reward crate, this one in Space Battles, also known as GCW2 Battles or Space Invasions. This piece is the hardest of the four to acquire in terms of group content difficulty.

star wars lambda class shuttle

The first blueprint can be found in a reward crate obtained through the new Bespin space content, Distress Beacons. Combining all four pieces will grant players a deed version of the Lambda. The "Can Be Combined" flag will change from "True" to "False" when used, be aware of this when buying a Lambda component from other players. All four parts can be freely traded at all times and will remain in your inventory when combined. The acquisition method of the Lambda shuttle is unique among starfighters, four component pieces must be found through completion of high level space content and in one instance, can simultaneously be obtained through ground content.

Star wars lambda class shuttle